
Preparing for a cold wave

최고관리자 0 1,368 2023.11.24 15:37

Check special weather reports regarding the cold wave in advance via the radio, TV and Internet.

Inspect heaters in advance, and prepare thermal underwear and clothes.

Protect the water meter from cold air.

*Fill the water meter box with garments such as old clothes, and seal the outside of the box using tape.

Wrap insulating materials around the exposed water pipes, such as in the bathroom or the yard.

*Cover the exposed pipe under the boiler with garments such as old clothes for protection.

Prepare winter supplies for your car in advance, and check the condition of your car as frequently as necessary.

*Key winter supplies for an automobile include snow chains, calcium chloride, shovel, antifreeze, car battery and various lubricants.

Stock up on emergency supplies in your home.

 - Emergency food Food that can be eaten without heating (Bottled water,Canned food,Instant noodles)

 - First aid supplies First aid kit containing ointments and medicines for cold, indigestion, and chronic illness (Ointments,Cold medicine,Antacid medication)

 - Household items (Light clothing,Toilet paper,Wet wipes,Lighters,Female sanitary products,Plastic bags)

 - Other (Fire extinguisher,Radio, Flashlight, Mobile phone, Emergency fund, Address book)

 - If you have an infant or toddler, prepare baby food.

 - Prepare approximately 20 L of drinking water per person.

 - Contact: ☎119, ☎112, community service center, Korea Electrical Safety Corporation (KESCO), Korea District Heating Corporation (KDHC), Office of Waterworks Seoul Metropolitan Government, and apartment complex management office

Wash your hands and feet when returning home, and prevent fatigue from drinking alcohol or overworking.

Patients suffering from diabetes or chronic pulmonary disease must get influenza vaccines.

During a cold wave


 - Keep the indoor temperature between 19 and 20℃.

 - The water meter can freeze and burst. So take heed of safety precautions by insulating the water meter.

   * When leaving home for a long time, leave the tap running slightly so that water keeps on flowing.

   * If the water pipes have frozen, thaw it slowly by heating with a hair dryer and the like or pouring lukewarm water.

   * For instructions on how to handle water pipe-related problems, call ☎120 (120 DASAN Seoul Call Center).

 - If the boiler pipes have frozen, thaw it slowly by heating with a hair dryer and the like or pouring lukewarm water.

 - Get a flashlight, radio and heater, etc. ready to be used in preparation for a power outage.

   * When a power outage occurs, contact the management office of your apartment complex or report it to KEPCO (☎123 (no area code).


 - Maintain your body temperature by wearing garments such as a hat, gloves, a mask and a scarf.

   * Put on layers of clothes and take caution not to have your clothes get wet.

   * Wear shoes with wide soles.

 -Refrain from drinking alcoholic or caffeinated beverages as much as possible.

 -Use public transportation, and try not to leave home at night or travel by yourself as much as possible.

  * Make sure to let your family know where you are going and when you will return home.

 -When you get frostbite, take off tight fitting clothing and shoes, keep the affected area warm after washing it with warm water, and visit a hospital immediately.

  * Do not rub the affected area or have it exposed to heat abruptly.

■ Car (driving)

 - Drive carefully to prevent accidents, such as by keeping the driving speed lower than usual and observing the proper distance between cars in front and behind.

  * When driving on a slippery road, use a half clutch on the second gear for a manual transmission vehicle and step on the accelerator slowly for an automatic transmission vehicle. When starting the vehicle, the front wheels must be adjusted to a straight line so as to prevent the wheels from spinning without traction.

  * When turning a curve, reduce the speed before reaching a curve and do not shift gears.

 - To stop your car on an icy road, step on the foot brake after completely reducing the speed using the engine brake.

 - if your car is isolated.

  * Call for help

  * If there is someone else in the car with you, keep warm by using each other’s body temperature.

  * Sleep in turns until the arrival of a rescue team.

  * At night, turn on the interior lights so that the rescue team can find you easily.

  * Spread colorful clothes on the snow so that the rescue team can spot you easily.

■ Exercising

 - Prevent injuries by stretching your body sufficiently to widen the range of bodily movements.

  * Warm up until you start to sweat a bit.

 - If possible, exercise indoors to reduce the risk of injuries.

  * Patients suffering from chronic diseases, such as hypertension, must exercise indoors.

 - Lower the intensity of exercise to 70 to 80% of ordinary exercise.

  * In winter, you consume 10 to 15% more energy to maintain your body temperature.

 - Alcoholic drinks lower your body temperature because of the diuretic and diaphoretic effects. So do not drink alcoholic beverages while exercising.

 - After an exercise, bathe in warm water and change clothes to keep your body warm.

■ Using electricity

 - Refrain from excessive use of electric heaters.

  * Do not leave flammable objects near an electric heater.

  * Do not connect a large number of power plugs to a single power outlet.

  * As for electric devices, make sure to use the genuine products and do not manipulate parts such as copper wires at your own discretion.

 - When an electrical problem occurs, report it to KEPCO or KESCO.

  * Korea Electric Power Corp.: ☎123 (no area code for landline phones) (enter the area code, then press 123 for mobile phones)

  * Korea Electrical Safety Corp.: ☎1588-7500

■ Call for help immediately if there is an injured person.

Call ☎119 for rescue and first aid in emergency situations (no area code).

Weather Information Service: ☎+82-2-841-0011 / Fax: +82-2-831-0365

Korea Meteorological Administration: ☎131 (no area code) (for local weather information, enter the area code, then press 131)


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