
Refrain as much as possible from travelling this Chuseok”

<COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines during the Chuseok Holiday>

“Refrain as much as possible from travelling this Chuseok”

to control the infections


(Basic rule) Reduce social interactions, such as visiting friends and attending social events or gatherings.


(For unavoidable visits) Minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission by complying with the virus prevention control measures set for the particular area or the route.

1. When travelling by car (en routeat destination)

Stay at home and rest if you have a fever or respiratory symptoms.

* If a fever of 38or higher continues, or the symptoms deteriorate, contact the KCDC call center at 1339, area code+120 or a local public health center.

Minimize time spent at service area on highway.

Wear a mask at all times when stopping at service area on highway.

Maintain 2 meters (at least 1 meter) of physical distance from others at service area on highway


At railway stations and bus terminals

When you book seats for public transport such as trains and highway buses, reserve the seat online in advance or use the non-person-to-person reservation method such as mobile check-in.

Wear a mask at all times.

Avoid talking to one another.

Consume food and drink only at a designated area.

Maintain 2 meters (at least 1 meter) distance while waiting in a queue for smoking or bathroom use.


In a train or bus

Wear a mask at all times.

Avoid consuming food and drink on public transport.

Avoid talking on the phone or to one another when taking public transport. If unavoidable, wear a mask and speak in a low voice.

2. When visiting friends or relatives


Things to do


Minimize time spent when visiting other people’s homes.

When visiting other people’s homes, strictly observe self-hygiene measures, such as wearing a mask and washing hands.

Take each food on one’s own plate using communal spoons

Greet with a bow instead of a handshake or hug.

Ventilate the place regularly, at least twice a day.

Keep daily spaces (such as bathroom) clean, and disinfect the surfaces of high-touch objects, such as remote controls and doorknobs on a daily basis.


Things to avoid


Refrain from visiting or contacting others if you have a fever or respiratory symptoms such as cough.

Avoid going to crowded places with friends, especially enclosed and poorly-ventilated areas, such as indoor entertainment facilities and Karaokes.

Refrain from spitting water droplets (such as shouting relief, singing songs, etc.).


3. Upon arrival at an accommodation


Stay inside the premise and check for a fever or respiratory symptoms.


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